Our Story

Growing Pains Wellness was founded in 2022. At Growing Pains Wellness we focus on customer experience, health and happiness.

At Growing Pains Wellness our mission is to provide massage therapy and yoga services to people in the community looking to better their health. Our purpose is to help people while in any stage of life get through their specific “growing pains” whether it be literal growing pains, the pains that come along with a new job, a new environment, family changes, and so much more.

About Our Location

Growing Pains Wellness is located off of Highway 30 on Hardy Weedon Rd. We are on a private property surrounded by nature & animals. Our location is a lovely escape from the everyday inner city to peaceful open pastures! You can even see the stars at night!

The building is shared with another local business, Field to Family. However, Growing Pains Wellness does have our own private room and bathroom!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out! We hope to be hosting events soon too so be on the look out for updates!

Tell those Growing Pains to Go Away

We are dedicated to ensuring that our customers leave feeling better than when they first arrived by providing customized care for each individuals needs.

Ready to Relax?