Fun Fact Friday #22

Have your feet been hurting? Then this Fun Fact Friday is for you!!

Todays Topic: Plantar Fasciitis!

Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes.

Listed below are a few movements that can help!

Strength training:

Exercises can help strengthen the foot and ankle. It is imperative that you avoid overstretching to the point of pain.

Below are four exercises that are useful in overcoming the pain of plantar fasciitis.

•    Heel and Toe Raises – Sit in a comfortable chair with the feet flat on the floor. Lift the heels while keeping the toes on the floor (working the back of the lower leg) then lift the toes and balls of feet while keeping the heel on the floor (working the front of the lower leg). Hold each position for a couple of seconds, and continue to alternate back and forth. When this becomes too easy, perform these exercises while standing.

•    Towel Crunches – Sit in a comfortable chair, barefoot, with your feet resting on a folded towel laying flat on the floor (a bare or tile floor works best for this). By squeezing the toes, attempt to scrunch the towel and try to lift the towel off the floor while keeping your heels on the floor.

•    Ankle Strengthening – While sitting or lying down, perform a series of dorsiflexions, plantarflexions, inversions and eversions.  You can also perform diagonal motions by pointing the big toe at the left ceiling then the right floor. Then perform opposite diagonal motions by pointing the little toe  at the right ceiling then the left floor. Perform a series of each of these motions with each foot.

•    Tiptoe and Heel Walk – Walk a few steps on your tiptoes, then walk a few steps with your toes lifted as you walk on your heels.

Other things that can help is using KT tape, ice which can be added on to most services at Growing Pains Wellness.

How are you helping yourself? Book your next service today using the link in our bio!


Friendship Day!!


Fun Fact Friday #21