Fun Fact Friday #36


We are switching things up and making Fun Fact Friday an every other Friday thing!

So don't worry you didn't miss anything last week. With that being said let's talk today's Fact!

Did You Know... The largest muscle of the body is located in the hip and buttocks and is called gluteus maximus.

* This muscle is located in the hip region and supports the trunk and upper body.

* It is also the primary muscle involved when climbing stairs. Some of the benefits of having the glutes worked on are:

-Relaxes and loosens tight Gluteal Muscles.

-Helps alleviate low back pain. -Helps reduce tightness in the hamstrings.

-Helps reduce the feeling of tight IT Band and knee pain.

-Helps alleviate hip pain and stiffness.

-Helps reduce aches and pains in the glutes.


You can also work out some of the tense by foam rolling and stretching the area

. How will you help your glutes?

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