Fun Fact Friday #9


Do you know what those spots on your body that hurt are called? Those are knots! For todays Fun Fact Friday, let's talk about them!

What are knots?
Knots are comprised of tense muscle fibers. Muscle knots are actually hyperirritable spots in muscle or fascial tissue known as myofascial trigger points

How do they form?
They form as a result of excessive accumulation of two chemicals – acetylcholine and calcium. The excess of the two chemicals leads to lack of oxygen in that area of a muscle which in turn results in muscle fibers contracting like crazy. When muscle fibers contract too much, they form a knot.

What causes knots to form?
Some common causes of muscle knots include: Muscle overuse or repetitive strain injury from activities like lifting heavy boxes or holding a phone between your ear and shoulder for long periods. Muscle underuse from an inactive lifestyle, prolonged sitting, or bed rest.

What helps reduce knots?
How to treat and prevent muscle knots
1. Use heat and/or ice to treat a sore muscle. You can alternate between heat and ice packs or focus on whichever one seems to bring you more relief.
2. Get a massage!
3. Apply pressure to trigger points
4. Use self-massage tools
5. Don't forget to stretch!
6. Give it time.

Come get those knots worked out at Growing Pains Wellness! Book your appointment through the link in our bio!


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Fun Fact Friday #8