Take some time out of your day to find STILLNESS!

Finding Stillness is so important to help the mind and body rest, reset and restore. Finding Stillness can look a little different for everybody.

Some ways to do this is by laying flat on the floor, a mat, the grass, whatever is comfortable for you, closing your eyes and letting gravity take over. Letting your body sink into the ground, root down and just breathe. You should try to do this for at least 5 minutes a day or more if you'd like.

If laying flat isn't comfortable for you, you could also do this seated in a comfortable chair or laying down with your legs propped up to protect your low back.

In todays day and age we are constantly having something in front of our face and on our mind whether it's the TV, our phones, computers, family, school, work...whatever and we don't truly give ourselves and our minds a break. Finding Stillness can help do that.

Please note, Finding Stillness is NOT take a "break" from work and getting on social media or turning the TV on. That will not allow your body and mind to rest. Even though you may not be doing anything with your body and you don't think you are using your mind, everything on the inside is saying otherwise.

How will you Find Stillness today? What are your ways for setting aside time for yourself to reset and restore?

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