Yoga June 23, 2023

Let's YOGA! This weeks class will be Restorative yoga class!

This class encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Is appropriate for all levels! Restorative yoga is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing.

Restorative classes are a great way to relax and let go from the week. Many props will be provided and offered to help you relax throughout the whole class such as blankets, blocks and a variety of bolsters. If you are new to yoga this is a great place to start or if you are a seasoned yogi this is a great place to step back and just slow down.

We can't wait to see you! To register, head to our website, linked in the bio, click the booking button and scroll until you see the Group Yoga option and then follow the steps provided on the screen! Of course you can always call, text, or email us to for help signing up!


International Yoga Day


Happy Father’s Day