Fun Fact Friday #23

Happy Fun Fact Friday!

Did you know...

There are over 600 muscles in the human body!!?🤯

That's a lot of muscles! How are you taking care of them?

Some things you can do for yourself and muscles:

Workout for 30 minutes a day

---This could look like taking a walk, weight training, dancing, functional fitness, barre class


---This could look like taking a stretch break at your desk, taking a yoga class in person or online, putting your legs up the wall

Drinking Water

---It is so important to keep you muscles and body hydrated! You can add lemon or peppermint to add some extra flavor.

Getting a Massage

---It is recommended to get a massage once a month if not more! It can simply be a 30 minute massage but something is better than nothing.

Take time for yourself daily and keep all 600+ of your muscles happy by joining Growing Pains Wellness for yoga or by booking a massage!!

When will we see you next?


August Yoga Schedule!


August Specials