Fun Fact Friday #24

Happy Fun Fact Friday from Growing Pains Wellness!

We hop you are doing well and setting aside time for just you every now and then.

Todays Fun Fact Friday we talk Self Healing!

Self Healing can be done in many ways and may look different on everybody! Listed below are a few options. What are your ways of Self Healing?

5 Ways to Practice Self Healing:

-List the things that you are grateful for

-Buy/Pick fresh flowers every now and then

-Make sure your health is in order

-Put some "me time" on your calendar

-Claim some space for yourself

These are just a few options and there are many more not listed but taking time for you and doing things just for you is so so important! To be able to keep giving and doing for others you have to also do for oneself! Maybe tag a friend to remind them๐Ÿ˜‰


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