Fun Fact Friday #33

Time for Fun Fact Friday!!

Let's Talk Muscles and Emotions!

As your massage therapist works on your muscles and joints, they might release tension that your body has been holding onto for years. Some of this tension could be associated with “emotional baggage” you've knowingly (or even unknowingly) been carrying around

During a massage, the muscles and tissues experience an emotional release just as they experience a release of physical tension. This emotional release can manifest in several ways: a sigh, laughter, muscle twitching, or even tears. These emotional responses are common during massage therapy.

Some areas that commonly hold emotions are listed below with the emotions that are usually associated with them-

* Shoulder Tension = Burdens and Responsibilities. ...

* Neck Tension = Fear and Repressed Self-Expression.

* Upper Back = Grief, Sorrow, and Sadness. ...

* Middle Back = Insecurity and Powerlessness. ...

* Lower Back = Guilt, Shame, and Unworthiness. ...

* Stomach = Inability to Process Emotions. ...

* Inner Thighs = Fear of Vulnerability.

The body most definitely keeps the score so don't be surprised when after a service you're ready to be done with the day!

At Growing Pains Wellness we are here to help you get through all your growing pains, physical, emotional, present and past! Help us, help you by booking your service today at the link in our bio!


Stay Hydrated My Friend


Fun Fact Friday #32