What does fertility massage look like?
Fertility massage is an abdominal massage that can help promote fertility and hormonal health. The service will start with a castor oil pack applied to the abdomen. Once that is complete you will be taught how to do self fertility massage as well as receive a fertility massage. This service can be done on its own or added on to another service! Package options specific for you are also available after your first service and assessment!
Fertility Massage does more than just help with fertility though! Check out the benefits below!⌄

Benefits of Fertility Massage:
-Helps to restore the uterus to its normal position and shape if it has become tilted or compressed by a fecal impacted intestine
-Improves circulation to the reproductive organs
--Improved circulation brings fresh oxygenated blood and nutrients to the organs, as well as to the ova
-Helps loosen scar tissue and clear blockages to the fallopian tubes
-Helps relax a stomach that is hardened from stress or digestive issues
-Promotes liver health to process toxins from the body
-Helps to improve digestive health and nutrient absorption by promoting small intestine health
-Eliminates impacted feces in the large intestine, too much of which could potentially put pressure on the uterus
-Helps to achieve hormonal balance (Dr. John Lee, in his book Hormonal Balance Made Simple, says that hormonal balance starts in the digestive system)
-Helps to relieve cramps

When should I not have a fertility massage?
-Any condition which would contraindicate massage in general, such as contusions, cuts, burns, tumors, broken bones, etc
-During menstruation.
-If client is pregnant or suspects she may be pregnant.


Fun Fact Friday #5


Fun Fact Friday #4